Your Gateway to College Coaches' Attention!

Picture this: your own personal profile, meticulously curated and showcased on the prestigious NSR website. Every college coach and admissions officer in America has free access to your NSR files at all times. Your recruiting profile becomes a dynamic representation of your athletic prowess, academic achievements, and unique qualities. It's the digital resume that tells your story and captivates the hearts of college coaches. Your competition schedule, game reports, evaluation videos, and every piece of information coaches need to evaluate you are displayed with precision and impact. Keep your profile up-to-date, and watch as college coaches line up to recruit you. Your future starts with a powerful NSR recruiting profile.



NSR Recruiting Profile
‘‘Recruiting is becoming more and more competitive each year and if a coach has yet to use your service, they are not keeping up with their competition. The internet service provides me a specific list of profiled athletes, along with the ability to watch streaming video of many of these athletes. This has been extremely beneficial to me and my staff.’’
NSR College Coach Quote